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Equimins Ltd Blog | Natural Horse Supplements, Supplies & Products Equimins specialises in producing natural horse supplies, products and supplements for the major areas associated with caring for a horse. All products are proudly made in the UK and excellent specification quality products are of paramount importance. Using this blog we want to share some of the knowledge we have gained through nearly 30 years of experience.

18 August 2015 ~ 0 Comments

Update on Wilma and Hoof Mender 75

Wilma has been taking part in a long term test on our Hoof Mender 75. Her owner, Nikki Goldup, has been keeping a diary of the mare’s progress and how her hooves have improved since she started using the supplement. Here’s the latest instalment:

Wilma1‘Several months have now passed with Wilma still lapping up her daily amount of Equimins Hoof Mender 75 (fed alongside a simple grass diet with some pony nuts and balancer). She is growing on what seems a daily basis and is really starting to look like a rideable horse. On the health front, she is exceptionally well and I am now starting to do a little bit of long reining with her. I feel she would benefit from some time out of her paddock, taking in the scenery around the farm and learning a bit about her life as a future ridden horse.

‘Her hooves are looking stronger than ever! She has not suffered from any abscesses over the very wet winter and into the summer, which has been a relief and saved me a fortune in vet’s and farrier’s bills! I can see, by looking at the growth bands on her feet, where she started to be fed Hoof Mender. From this point down, you can see that the horn is stronger, and almost looks a slightly darker colour. I have no question that this is due to the very high levels of chelated zinc methionate, essential for strong keratin growth. Hoof Mender 75 also contains biotin, ascorbic acid and MSM, and is a powerful supplement to restore healthy hoof growth. I would highly recommend the product to anyone with weak footed horses who wishes to improve the strength of the feet and reduce the risk of cracking and subsequent abscesses. It has made sense for me to work on this now, before Wilma enters full time work, so she starts her career on the right foot… or should I say hoof!’


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Here’s a video of Wilma

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