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Equimins Ltd Blog | Natural Horse Supplements, Supplies & Products Equimins specialises in producing natural horse supplies, products and supplements for the major areas associated with caring for a horse. All products are proudly made in the UK and excellent specification quality products are of paramount importance. Using this blog we want to share some of the knowledge we have gained through nearly 30 years of experience.

21 August 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Hoof help for hot days

Keeping hooves crack free during the summer months can be a tricky task. The hot weather dries out the ground and also dries out hooves…but have you ever wondered why?

Hooves, in some ways, are like sponges and it’s often said that they are a product of the environment that the horse lives in. During the winter months, wet pasture and mud can cause the horse’s hoof moisture content to rise as it takes on this water, which can make them soft. Equally, in the summer months when it’s hotter, moisture evaporates away from the hooves and they become dry. Add to this an unforgiving surface like a hard field and you may see cracks forming. In many cases, a hoof crack is simply unsightly, but it’s always best to check with your farrier if you’re concerned and speak to your vet if your horse shows signs of discomfort. There are things that can be done to help prevent the hooves from drying out and to help get moisture back into dry hooves. Topical hoof care products are one solution…here are our top five…

Hoof Conditioning Grease is made using ingredients to help nourish the hoof and protect it from the elements. It can be used once a day on the hoof wall and sole and comes in black, so can be used to make black hooves really stand out in the show ring too.

hoof_moisbalm_300g copyHoof Moisturising Balm helps to lock in the moisture to prevent cracks, splits and drying. The balm works in two ways- by moisturising the hoof and through providing a waterproof layer, which can be really handy in the winter months too. On top of all this, it creates a great shine, so is perfect for competitions.

Hoof Moisturising Cream is easy to apply, helps the hoof to retain moisture and adds shine. It works to prevent cracking and splitting and can be applied daily.

Hoof Moisturising Lotion comes in a special bottle with integral brush and helps to retain moisture and hoof_moist_lotion_400ml_tub copyprevent cracking and splitting. It can be applied daily.

Hoof Oil, whether used in the traditional liquid or solid form, has been formulated to help protect against split hooves, cracks and other issues. In fact, our liquid Hoof Oil contains bactericide Microlat to further promote hoof health, and our Solid Hoof Oil has the addition of lanolin. **From September ’13, this product will be available in a 400ml bottle with integral brush for easy application**

To find out more about our Hoof care range, see the website.


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