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Equimins Ltd Blog | Natural Horse Supplements, Supplies & Products Equimins specialises in producing natural horse supplies, products and supplements for the major areas associated with caring for a horse. All products are proudly made in the UK and excellent specification quality products are of paramount importance. Using this blog we want to share some of the knowledge we have gained through nearly 30 years of experience.

27 October 2013 ~ 0 Comments

First for first aid

Getting a good first aid kit assembled can reduce stress levels and save time should your horse injure himself, allowing you to treat the ailment faster and start him on his road to recovery. We all hope we’ll never need to use our first aid kit, but it’s still worth being prepared…think of it as a kind of insurance.

We make a number of great first aid products, but we know how much is out there, so we thought a punchy guide to our range of first aid kit must haves would be helpful.


Aloe Vera Gel– Great for skin conditions that need soothing like sunburn and grazes aloe_vera_gel_500g

Arnica & Witch Hazel– Ideal for bruises and muscle soreness, not for open wounds.

Equi-Balm– For skin conditions such as cuts and grazes but also good as a mud block. Non-sting and water repellent.

legs_r_cool_3.5kgLegs R Cool– For cooling and soothing hot, tired legs.

MSM Healer Cream– Ideal for minor skin conditions and it’s antibacterial too. Can be used as a barrier and to aid hair regrowth.

Muscle Embrocation– For bruising, soft swellings and minor strains on muscles and tendons.

Purple Spray– A handy spray to clean cuts and grazes and help promote healing. Our version is purple_spray_250ml copya wound disinfectant AND contains aloe vera for the skin.

Tea Tree Mist– Can be used for cuts, bites, grazes, skin issues, fungal infection, ringworm, thrush and more. It’s antibacterial and antifungal and can be used for management or to help treat an issue.

Wound Gel– For cuts, grazes and minor wounds, Wound Gel has silver ions that kill 99% of bacteria and helps to hasten skin rejuvenation and prevent infection.

Wound Powder– For minor wounds and sores. Ideal for wounds that need drying. Can be used on other livestock.

To see our full First Aid & Stable range, see the website.


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