Top tips for great turnout
It’s that time of year again with shows, events, camps and gymkhanas all over the country, but how can you get your horse to look his best? Here are our tips for great turnout…
- If you want to get the best from your horse’s coat, consider a shampoo made for his colour, like our Red, Dark or Blue (for white and grey coats!)- this should add depth to his colour and leave a great sheen.
- If you’re going to plait your horse’s mane or tail, be very careful how you wash it! Depending on how long you’ve got between wash and show (and the state of your horse’s mane/tail) it might be better to leave it, as slightly dirty hair is easier to plait.
- Equally, Detangler is a great product for manes and tails…but not if you want to plait them! If you use it on a tail you’re hoping to plait, just avoid the top section. If you’re not plaiting then use wherever you like to leave a silky, smooth, detangled mane and tail.
- Plaiting can be a bit tricky if the horse’s mane and tail are particularly shiny, but plaiting sprays like our Plaiting Liquid can really help. After it’s been sprayed on, it makes the hair stiff for a few minutes allowing you to plait.
- If you have a horse with a pale mane and tail and you need to wash him the night before the show, consider using a tail bag and/or summer sheet with full neck to help keep him clean.
- Want to get those white bits even whiter? Use a whitener like our Leg & Body Whitener. This can be used on the day of the show or mixed into a paste and applied the night before for a really brilliant finish.
- ALWAYS take stain remover or dry shampoo to a show or event. Your horse doesn’t really care how long you’ve spent cleaning him and it’s not unknown for horses to arrive at a show covered in all sorts of stains that they’ve picked up in the lorry or trailer. Having a stain remover on hand is a great way to reduce your stress levels without the need for gallons of water!
- Coat sheen is a great way to add a bit of extra shine to the coat, and our Groomer is ideal for the job. However, it’s worth thinking about where you apply this- avoid the saddle area on the day of the show as you don’t want the sheen to make it slippery for the saddle.
- Want your quarter marks to last all day? Then use our Quarter Marker spray- easy to apply and really effective.
- Make sure you always take enough water to wash the horse off after the event. Even if you’re just going to a local show, with warm weather and time in the lorry or trailer he could well become very sweaty and uncomfortable. Why not add a wash to help refresh the horse and clean the coat? Oh, and did we mention that Clean Coat and Lavender Fresh smell amazing too?
See the rest of our grooming range here