What do you use? Amelia tells us about Honey…
We love hearing from our customers and we really like it when we find out a bit more about the horse that’s using the product and how the supplement/lotion/gel/cream has helped him or her. So, with this in mind, we’ve decided to bring back our ‘What do you use?’ blog feature, to give you all a look at who uses our products…
This month, we caught up with Amelia Greenwood-Blott and her two year old Warmblood Briardale Paradise…or Honey to her friends.
What do you use? We use the Young Stock Formula and have done for the past 18 months.
Can you tell us a bit about your horse? Honey is a sharp two year old Warmblood filly.
Why did you choose Young Stock Formula? I wanted something that would give her the best start in life that would cover all the vitamins and minerals a growing foal would need to develop evenly and well muscled without any additives that would make her sharp personality sharper. She has absolutely thrived on this supplement. She has a shiny coat, a bright eye and has developed evenly and steadily. Her temperament is second to none and I put this down to the Young Stock Formula. I am now going to be moving her to the Advance Concentrate Complete to keep up the good work Equimins has done for her in her first two years all the way into adulthood.
What are your plans for Honey? I plan to take her out into affiliated showing in the next twelve months. She currently is schooled from the ground and has super concentration.
A big thank you to Amelia for getting in touch with us- we’re pleased to hear how well Honey has done on our Young Stock Formula, and look forward to hearing how she gets on with Advance Concentrate Complete.
If you have a good story that you’d like to share, please email rhea@equimins.com, and tell us what you use. If selected, we’ll send you a little gift as a thank you.