Pick the right shampoo for your horse
Why we love lavender
Products for shine in the show ring
We know what it’s like, you have an important show fast approaching and instead of being clean and shiny, your horse has decided that getting dirty is the way to go. Don’t panic! We have some great products to help your horse shine in the show ring…despite his best efforts… Giving your horse a good […]
Super smells
In previous blogs we’ve talked about Clean Coat and Lavender Wash– two great smelling products that our customers love. Both of these are washes and can be used diluted or in the supplied concentrated format (depending on why you’re using them) and both smell divine, however, we have some other great products that smell super… […]
Which shampoo for your horse’s do?!
There’s no doubt about it, at Equimins, we offer a great range of shampoos to help keep your horse’s coat clean and conditioned…but how do you know which one to pick? Here’s our guide to selecting the shampoo that’s right for your horse. The first question to ask yourself…do I want a shampoo that helps […]