Super smells
In previous blogs we’ve talked about Clean Coat and Lavender Wash– two great smelling products that our customers love. Both of these are washes and can be used diluted or in the supplied concentrated format (depending on why you’re using them) and both smell divine, however, we have some other great products that smell super… […]
What do you use?
August can be a tricky time when it comes to feed with the growing grass often leading to reduced hard feed rations or, in some cases, no concentrated feed at all! Even though feed might be abundant thanks to the green stuff, supplements and topical products are still used to help promote health and more. […]
Which shampoo for your horse’s do?!
There’s no doubt about it, at Equimins, we offer a great range of shampoos to help keep your horse’s coat clean and conditioned…but how do you know which one to pick? Here’s our guide to selecting the shampoo that’s right for your horse. The first question to ask yourself…do I want a shampoo that helps […]